KO Dental

Prevention and maintenance

Prevention & Maintenance

We place a great deal of importance on prevention. Having regular six monthly check-ups helps identify problems early. 

This can save you time and money as small issues left unchecked, can develop into complex problems that require more time-consuming treatment. 

Comprehensive examination We use a two-stage process. First we talk to you to understand any issues, concerns and requests you have. 

Secondly, we thoroughly exam all of your teeth, the supporting structures and anatomy. This includes the gums, soft tissues, jaw joints and inspection for any signs of oral cancer. 

We take photographic images of your mouth, alongside digital radiographs so that you have a clear understanding of your situation, and an informed discussion with us to decide how you would like to proceed.

Cleaning and hygiene Having your teeth and gums cleaned regularly helps to maintain the long-term good health of your mouth. 

Many factors contribute to tooth decay and gum disease; how well you brush at home, diet, smoking and your genetic make up. We can tailor a maintenance programme that suits you, in terms of your health goals and lifestyle.